You enter a café and are struck by the complex aromas wafting from behind the counter. There’s a strong caramel scent with just the right hint of a citrusy undertone. You wish you could pinpoint what coffee that was.
If you’ve ever had such a thought, it’s time for you to take your coffee knowledge to the next level.
You can do this by choosing different coffee roasts and understanding how the roasting process affects the coffee’s flavour profile.
This blog post will help you decide which roast is ideal for you based on your taste preferences and the brewing method that suits your convenience.
Coffee Roasts Based on Flavour Preference
Strong, Bitter Coffee - If you want your coffee to be bold and bitter, look to the dark or extra dark roasts. These have been roasted for a longer time, and have very little caffeine & acidity but pack a punch in terms of the smoky, burnt taste. Coffees brewed with such roasts don’t exactly reveal the origin’s flavour as all of that gets overpowered by the bitterness of the roasted beans.
High in Caffeine - Who doesn’t want the occasional caffeine burst from coffee? We get you. Light roasts, also referred to as cinnamon roast or New England roast, are ideal if you want your coffee to be well caffeinated. Since the beans haven’t been roasted for a longer duration, the caffeine within them hasn’t been drawn out much at all.

Subtle Flavours - Even though light roasts tend to have more pronounced acidity than other roasts, on the flavour spectrum, they are mild and light-bodied. So get yourself a good light-roast coffee and enjoy the subtle flavours it carries.
Full Body - As you may have read from our blog post on coffee body, coffees that are roasted to a dark level tend to have a full body because of the oil that has been pulled out of the beans which leads to a heavier mouthfeel.
Mild Acidity - For coffees that have mild acidity, medium roasts are a great choice! They have balanced acidity, so you don’t feel like you’re sipping on lemon juice. There’s a richness in these coffees that is brought out by the medium roast level.
Fruity Flavours - Light roasts yield coffee that is aromatic and fruity, especially when prepared using the cold brewing method. This allows coffee to be smooth and have an overall sweet flavour profile.
Medium Body - Also known as city or American roast, medium roast coffees tend to have a medium body. They present just the right heaviness in texture for many people. We also recommend them for the balanced flavours they tend to have.
- Nutty/ Chocolate Flavours - Look to a medium-dark roast to get that lovely chocolate-nutty tasting notes. In these roasts, the sugars have caramelised in the beans through the roasting process, giving them the flavour of chocolates.
Coffee Roasts Based on Brewing Method

Stovetop Brewing - In stovetop brewing, the coffee grounds are exposed to pressure building within the pot. Medium-dark roasts are ideal for this brewing method. The coffee will have a rich flavour profile, often with a bittersweet aftertaste.
Home Espresso Machine - Medium-dark roasts also go well with this type of brewing. This combination is meant for people who enjoy their coffees to be strong and heavy-bodied. Dark-roasted beans tend to be more porous, so the extraction occurs quickly.
French Press Brewing - Coffees brewed with a French press are dark, full-bodied brews. You should use medium roast beans that offer bold flavours to get the most out of your French press.
Pour Over Brewing - We recommend getting light roasts for this method. The beans still retain some of the origin’s flavour. Moreover, the duration of the brewing and how the decoction is collected allow the light roasts to produce a clean cup of coffee that isn’t intensely flavourful.
Filter Brewing - Just like pour over brewing, light roasts are ideal when you want to make filter coffee. There is slower extraction of flavour from the beans. Plus, you get more of the origin flavour and not so much the roast flavour. These coffees tend to have a sweeter fragrance and taste.
- Cold Brewing - The verdict is usually divided on this one. But a lot of people prefer using dark roasts in the case of cold brews as the beans offer consistent flavour. A lot of the bitterness of the coffee beans is often captured in the brew, making it the perfect choice when you enjoy drinking coffee with milk and sweeteners.
Remember that, ultimately, the coffee’s flavour profile is affected by several factors. You could choose the right roast for yourself but end up with a brew that tastes somewhat different if the coffee hasn’t been stored or brewed appropriately.
Hope this post helps you make the right choice for your coffee needs. Let us know in the comments which coffee roasts you’ve tried and what you liked best.
If you’re keen to try some single-origin coffees, take a look at our diverse collection. You’ll find yourself going on a culinary trip around the world.