We sit in our homes, in our offices, sipping fresh cups of coffee, and seldom do we stop to think about how these small moments of our day contribute to something bigger in the world.
Coffee production and consumption are reported to have a far-reaching impact on the world economy, environment, society, and culture.
Here are 10 of the most important coffee statistics you should know.
Coffee Consumption
Whether you are a strictly one-cup coffee person or you keep a pot of brew next to you at all times, you may have never guessed just how much coffee gets consumed daily across the world.
It’s 2.25 billion cups every single day!
Even if you take an average of 200 ml per cup, to think that around 450 million litres of coffee are consumed daily is just mind-boggling.
As you well know, coffee is one of the most popular beverages, and it goes to show.

Many of the countries with the biggest coffee consumption stats are located in Europe. Some of them are Finland, Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands (not in a particular order).
There are more people involved in the coffee supply chain than you’d think, working day and night to produce those crisp, aromatic bags of coffee beans for customers.
Based on a report in 2021, 125 million people depend on the coffee market for their livelihood. In all likelihood, that number would have increased by now.
To put that in perspective, Japan has a population of around 125 million. That’s how many people are employed by the global coffee industry to keep the coffee markets running.
Coffee Production
You already know that coffee production occurs across the bean belt. This is the region around the equator where the environmental conditions support coffee cultivation.
Every year, the production of coffee goes up to several million 60kg bags. As much as 175.35 million bags of coffee were produced in 2021.
Coffee Market
The world coffee market in 2022 was valued at $126.38 billion. This is slated to grow at a 4.47% CAGR between 2023 and 2025, as per reports.
Not only does this statistic show the potential that the coffee industry has, but also just how many people support it.
Coffee Imports & Exports
Brazil, Vietnam, and Colombia are the largest exporters of coffee in the world.
Whereas, US, Germany, and France are the biggest importers of coffee with Americans spending $270 per person in 2022 on coffee.
Why are these stats important, you may ask… While we know that Brazil is a top coffee producer and known to dominate the ranks when it comes to coffee exports, it’s interesting to note which countries pay the most to have coffee imported.
Knowing this poses a lot of opportunities for coffee businesses as they can cater to audiences in these regions and build trade relationships accordingly.
With consumer-centric businesses on the rise, people are investing more time and effort into purchase decisions.

There’s greater transparency; more Information is available about products, which makes it easier for consumers to make an informed decision.
Fairtrade coffees and specialty coffees are an example of how coffee awareness impacts the industry.
A study by the National Coffee Association shows that 53% of people have expressed an interest in buying ethical coffees to help address concerns that plague coffee farmers.
Arabica vs Robusta
While there are more varieties of coffee than just these 2, it is an established fact that arabica and robusta beans are primarily grown worldwide.
Arabica coffee nearly has a three-fourth share in all coffee that is produced across the globe.
Cost of a Cup
Coffee pricing varies from region to region and from time to time. Various other conditions also factor in when it comes to the cost of coffee.
In Iran, you can get yourself a cup of coffee for as low as $0.46, whereas South Koreans pay as high as $7.77 for a cup. This was based on research published a couple of years ago. We’re yet to see how catalysts like inflation and climate change affect these coffee statistics.
Café Culture
Shanghai has the most number of coffee shops in the world with over 6900 stores operating in the city. Following close behind are Tokyo and London in the range of 3000-4000, depicting a significant gap between them and Shanghai.
With these stats, the importance of coffee is plenty clear. It also helps us understand just how much the industry can grow if the right measures are employed to reduce its environmental impact, increase fair trade practices, and boost progress within the coffee universe.